Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 22, 2010: Cambios!! or not :)

Hola Familia,

I am staying in La Paz, and so is my comp. This past week we've sort of been in a funk... my companion has bronchitis, so Wednesday through Saturday we stayed at home unless we had set appointments... Sunday we were about to leave when it started raning, so we stayed at home again. We hope Hna. Madrigal is going to set up an appointment for him soon. But we had a Noche de Grupo with the neighbors (family home evening with others invited) and we watched Fireproof (awesome movie). Jon will recognize some of the people in it because I remember he showed me a video clip of a football movie made by the same church, where the coach was able to get a player to crawl across the football field with another player on his back (I have seen that movie, too).

I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but about 2 or 3 weeks ago, my comp's dad fell about 10 meters. His kidneys stopped funtioning and he was in a coma for a bit. It's been a bit tough for him (esp. being ill) but I think they found a compatible kidney replacement, so he should find out if the operation went well pretty soon...

Perhaps you guys could find out where Rachel is going to be (area and zone). It looks like it won't be here, (zone San Miguelito) but I would also like to get Johnny Ochs email if that is allowed in his mission...

I'm sorry to hear about Josh getting hurt. I have never gotten to wear a brace or sling... it's a new experience for him. But I hope everything heals well soon without problems. Maybe he will turn out to be a left handed tennis player too!

I hope everyone is progressing in the reading of the Book of Mormon. I finished El Libro de Mormón this past Sunday :P I also finished the New Testament maybe a week or two ago...

The baptism we were going to have is moved to next week, because she (Carmen Cuestas, age 60?) caught the brinchitis (as well as her grandson). So we hope for 2 baptisms for this coming Saturday, her and a sister of a member who just left for his mission in Guatemala...

2 days ago, Saturday we the missionaries and mission leader hosted an activity where a month and a half ago we challenged the members to study the Book of Mormon (in spanish) for the activity where we set up an exam (pretty tough and a bit poorly organized). There were also other activities (eating apples in water, eating hanging donuts...) and the people who showed up really enjoyed it... we were hoping for a lot more people to show up, but I still think it was a success...

I attched a couple videos. I have a bit more time because instead of writing paper letter to Pres. Madrigal, it is by internet on a private mission website.... Anyway, love you all tons, and I wish I had showed it more...

Love, Elder Niendorf

March 15, 2010: Beware the Ides of March

Next week is changes... and if I am correct, Rachel and Johnny leave the MTC next week, right?

Everything in going good. Two weeks ago we started a plan with 'Escuadrones,' where the missionaries have to get up at 5am to get ready. Then at 7 we try to meet up with some of the leaders in the ward. Next we go out in 'squadrons' to visit less actives, investigators, and recent converts to invite them to church, give some of them rides, and that kind of stuff. This past week it worked out really well.
We put a baptismal date with the sister of a boy who just left for his mission from this ward in Guatemala! His other sister declined...She seems to be too distracted with things of the world to take much interest in the Gospel. And while I was on divisions, my companion and a ZL put another baptismal date as well. It's possible that I might not get to see the ordinance, but my comp thinks I will probably stay here. (and if I do, I probably won't be in the same Zone a Rachel)

About the half the pdays in this zone we went to MetroMall to use internet, which is cool. We get to eat TacoBell when we go there (there are a bunch of other choices, but Taco Bell is the one I choose)

My companion an I get along well enough most of the time. A veces he seems to get annoyed when I don't understand everything that's going on, but we work together pretty well. My Spanish doesn't seem to be advancing too much, especially since I already had a bunch when I got here. I just improve a little bit here and there...
The Bishop and the ward are starting to advance (esp. due to the Escuadrones) I have more confidence in my ability to help people. I haven't seem too many real fruits of my labors, but I know that I am helping the Lord's work...

I realized Josh is the same age as Joseph Smith when he received the first vision...

Until next week,
Elder Niendorf

March 8, 2010

Hola everyone!

There is an investigator couple named Ana y Juan... The recent converts of the ward (yesterday we were there at the blessing of their house) are two old women. One has to use a wheel chair most of the time, and it takes four men/young men to carry her up the stairs...

One interesting fact about my experience here is that no one uses seatbelts very often... The roads are not too good in most neighborhoods because the government made the streets before putting in pipes for water or other things, so they often have to tear up the streets, put in the pipes, and then not repair well the roads...

The members hadn't been too involved the missionary work, nor the leaders; but recently the Mission Pres. sent a letter to the Bishops and more and more the members seem to be ready and willing to help. We generally get at least one meal from members a day, sometimes two. All over the place are stores called ''chinos'' because there are chinese people here, and they work a lot...

The Temple is in a place called Cardenas. I am not sure how far it is, but it is the the province of Panamá called 'Panamá' (there are 9, and two are 'comarcas' [land owned by Panamá but not governed by it]).

The new mission president will come in June, I think. He is Pres. Ward from California. I think he speaks Spanish, but his wife doesn't....

I might not have time to send pictures, but we'll see.
Anyway, until next week,
Elder Niendorf

March 1, 2010


Everything is good here. I didn't feel anything before. I am glad to hear that our family is okay in Chile, I was a little worried, but luckily nothing serious happened to them.
There is an Elder Stewart here whose good friend is entering the MTC this month (March). He will be serving in the Fresno, CA mission. His name is Elder Haddock, I believe.

There are a few pretty cool things that I like about this area. The hills are a bit tough every now and then, but from the higher ones I can see the ocean, which is pretty cool; it's actually not that far away. Also at night the city lights are pretty cool as welll. There is a Bahai? temple at the top of one of the nearby hill. (egg shaped)

It has rained a couple time in the last couple weeks. My companion got a little sick, and it's been tough for him, but I think we are doing some good here. The mission president sent a letter to all the Bishops, and we were present in the ward counsel meeting. It looks like the leaders are ready to be more active in the ward. Previously there wasn't much going on with them, but they are all apparently willing to be more active...

This week went by pretty fast. I need a haircut. This CPU doesn't seem to have a USB port, so I might not get to send any pictures...

I am about to start Revelations (Apocalipsis)... In my area we can't really contact after 6:30 or 7 pm so we often watch movies (church related) with members, preferably less actives. I mentioned before I have about 40 dvds of church movies like the Legend of Johnny Lingo, Beauty and Beast: A Latter-Day Tale, Suits on the Loose, Joseph Smith: the Prophet of the Restoration, The Work and the Glory 1,2,3, etc....

Don't forget that Dear Elder works too (thanks Jon).

Well, I guess I will talk to ya'll next week....
Elder Niendorf

February 22, 2010

Yeah so everything is going well here is Panama.
I have been learning and growing as normal. I like studying a lot. But sometimes studying is hard because sometimes i wake up very sleepy...

About package sending, yeah, often people open them to see if there is anything valuable inside before forwarding them....
Which means money in any amount should either be well hidden, or better yet sent through a bank...

Carnavales, we only left the house if we had specific appointments, and we stayed in our areas. I heard a few missionaries got water thrown on them. In my area a few kids threw water in bags at us , but they had poor aim...

I am out of time, but I love you all. (I think i got a letter or dear elder, but there leaders won't give this next one to me until tomorrow)

until next week,
Elder Niendorf

February 13, 2010

So I am in the area La Paz in San Miguelito. It has hills, and the members apparently don't give too much support to the missionaries, but I am enjoying the new experiences...

It was a bit hectic, the changes. My suit cases were full, and I ended up on the same bus that I left my old area in becasue this Zone is almost a neighbor to my old zone.

The house is smaller, but that doesn´t bother me at all. My companion, Elder Villagra, is from Costa Rica. He has problems with his eyes (and a couple other minor medical issues) so he can´t leave the house until after around 2pm or else he gets major headaches.

I am learning a lot. I have been able to learn more abot how to study the scriptures better. And I hope to be able to continue learning and applying what I learn to those I teach...

the cement factory in Caimitillo
elder Espinoza

until next week,
Elder Niendorf