Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 10: Another Email

Hola Familia, Bueno, I am not sure what to share right now, but everything is good right now. There will be a baptism this Saturday. I hope to be able to see more progress in the investigators. I am still here in La Paz in San Miguelito, there is a photo I took from one of the highest parts of my area. We did a service project cutting down some braches off a ciruela (little fruit) tree with a machete... When it does rain it normally only lasts for a few hours in the morning, and then it get pretty humid afterwards. I often feel sweat running down my arms into my hand while walking, so I have begun to always carry around a handkerchief... The other food I couldn't remember the name of was arroz con guandú (I think that is how it is spelled). Anyway, I will talk to you guys mre next week. Keep on trying to be consistent with the reading of the Book of Mormon and FHE. One thing that I have learned is that doing good things isn't hard, but doing them consistently is the challenge. Alma in I think ch. 32 v. 37 talks about carefully nurturing the tree. If one wants to raise a plant, one would not give it water one week and not the next, or else the plant won't grow strong roots... Well I willl talk to you guys next week... Love, Elder Niendorf

May 3: No Tuve Cambios

Hola Familia, Yo todavía estoy en La Paz. Sorry, I mean I am still in La Paz. MY companion is still Elder Cruz de Mexico. I don't think Hna. Ochs had cambios, but maybe you guys can verify with her Family. How is Johnny doing? The pictures are of a breakfast that the Missionary couple Estribi gave us last Monday? I think it was. The video is smaller so I think it will send (but i think mom's school mail will reject this letter because it has an attachment...). I think I will try to buy a new sd card for my camara today or next week. Here in la Paz we haven't seen much progress on in the investigators, because none of them usually complete the committment to go to church on Sundays. We are still looking for new people to teach, but there ar not too many positive people, and finding families together is pretty hard. We put another baptismal date with the daughter of less-active members whose brother is serving in Guatemala, and we found a girl around age 20 from Columbia who seems the most positive and accepted a soft date (where we say we will help them prepare, but not yet with a date as a specific goal yet). Many people accept at least one appointment (cita) if we find them and teach in that same instance, but returning for a second appointment never seems to work out because they will usually have an excuse to not be there or to be busy... but we are positive and have good hopes for this change (cambio). We were in an FHE with our neigbors where I learn the importance that the children in a family do chores around the house (Joshua). It is not so much to learn how to clean or do things, it is more to learn how to serve and love your family enough to want contribute. Love you all, Elder Niendorf

April 26: Panama in April

Well, I don`t have too much time right now but I will try to relate the important stuff...
My favorite food would have to be the fried 'plàtanos.' Cambios (changes) are next week so we'll see how things go, but as yet I haven't seen Hna Ochs yet. I called her april first (we're technically not supposed to use the phones for that, so I don't want to call too often) and I had sent a paper letter welcoming her and stuff hace 2 semanas.
This week has been thoroughly unfruitful, but I we have been trying to work hard every day, and I have faith that if we keep working hard, we will find success...
It rains at least every other day now. The only investigator that actually seems positive isn't married and had trouble with her esposo (not married but people say esposo anyway...)
I will have to buy another SD card for my camara; the one I have can't seem to be read by camaras anymore, and I think it has a virus...
I hope all is going well, and I will talk to you all next week after CAMBIOS!
Elder Niendorf

April 19th: Hola!

I know I said last week that the weather was rain about once a week, but that same day it rained really hard for a couple hours, then again the day after and the day after that... There are many people 'resfriado' (with a cold) due to the change of weather, but I am doing just fine. The weather video clip is interesting from about the part at 11 seconds to 13 seconds... This week I completed for the first time the weekly goal of 140 contacts (where we introduce ourselves, talk a bit about the gospel, and then try to leave them with a little piece of paper with information on it) so that was pretty cool. But we still aren't seeing much progress with our investigators... One accepted a baptismal date but still hasn't arrived at church enough times to be baptized...But we are always visiting different people, and looking for new people (and families) to teach... My companion, Elder Cruz is pretty funny and fun to be with, but I have to take on a bit more responsibility with him. He has 19 months in the mission and is pretty trunky... But we work hard, so I am having a good time working with him. In the scritpures I just finished second Nephi. I and also in chap. 13 of Jesus the Christ (by James E. Talmage), which I love reading. I feel like I am progressing, and the time seems to go by super fast and pretty slow at the same time. I am eating lots of rice, beans, chicken, from the food the members give. I really like the fried 'platanos,' which are related to bananas but might not be plantains in English, I'm not sure. I love you all tons, keep reading the scriptures every day! Love, Elder Niendorf

April 13th: Abril

Hola Famila,
There is some interesting news: in another area there was a problem, so my companion had an emergency change. He is now in Aguadulce, and my new companion is Elder Cruz from Mexico. We were called at 10:40 pm Thursday and we had to be at the place for changes the next day after lunch.
I am writing today because for some reason we had interviews (which usually occur once every change) with the mission President Madrigal yesterday instead of Tuesday...

I think this computer is faulty, so I might not get to send anything this week...(nevermind) but everything is going well with me. Elder Cruz seems to want to work hard, and I have good hopes for the area. I have been somewhat direting the area since I am the one with the experience in the area, and I feel we have already had some pretty spiritual experiences; for example, one of our lessons with an investigator went pretty well, and that visit was the first time she seemed to show interest and pay attention. Also, we were walking along and a boy of about 16 years told us to teach his cousin, so we did, and I feel that she in growing in interest.

The photos are of Thursday (before the call) where we celebrated Mama Nelis' (the owner of the missionaries' house in my area) birthday. She doesn't live there with her daughters but visits often, and they are all members... I will try to send a video next week.

Last Thursday was also Zone Conference, which was pretty cool. I understand ever better of tithing, especially for the less actives and investigators. The weather has been pretty warm, and apparently the raining season is beginning, for it has started to rain about once a week (since that video of the rain).

I don't know if the .gif file will work for you guys, but the clarìn is sent every month about missionaries' experiences and newcomers (including Hna. Ochs) and the missionaries that left (i left this second image out...)

So I hope everyone is praying and reading the scriptures daily.

I love you all, thanks for the support.
Until next week,
Elder Niendorf

April 5th: Thank You

I really loved conference. I was able to watch all the sessions in English, so I could understand everything better, and I look forward to the Liahona next month (they give it to us every month, and in English as well) I hope to study it better to be able to apply the teachings of the Prophet and Apostles to better help the investigators...

Oh, I was able to talk to Hna. Ochs on the first. The mission president was wrong when he told me Aguadulce. She is in Davíd (close to Costa Rica) with and Hna. Garcia. But she sounds like she is excited to be here, though she still feels weak with her Spanish.

I don't have too much more time, but make sure you always continue doing family and personal prayers. I also hope you study the scriptures a lot; I would like to hear about what you guys are learning from them as well.

Have a good week!
Elder Niendorf