Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 25th: End of July

Hola Familia,
Just to let you know, this month has passed by super fast. This computer doesn't read my memory for photos. Ummm, yeah so I read your emails, I hear mom already got my intinerary I sent you. I don't believe it though...It feels like only a dream that this mission will end.
This went by super fast. There wasn't too much that stuck out to me this week, just that we had two baptisms and zero confirmations. The mother who is preganant felt stomach discomfort, so maybe they will get comfirmed this coming sunday or maybe the baby willl come first...And again very few member arrived, only 5 apart from the baptizing family.
I did divisions again, this time to do another baptismal interview. It was my favorite one so far with a 14 year old boy. He was definitely ready, so the conversation went great.
My companion and I get along very well, very few times do we have little arguments, but I think that comes with being with the same person for 3 months straight. I also am learning a bit more guitar.
Oh, I almost forgot that we did a killer service, carrying up building material up a hill of about 83 steps. 8 missionaries and 3 members arrived to help. I enjoyed the physical challenge, and we also helped to mix the cement when the bishop arrive later. Next week there should be more photos.
Until next week...
Elder Niendorf

July 18th: Servicio

Hola Familia,
This Saturday there was a service where we waere taking dirt from a mountain to make room for a house. In sacrament meeting we had the three people with baptismal dates for july arrive. Arisel, who has a son to be baptized with her this coming saturday (if she doesn't give birth first), she arrived late, so we were getting pretty nervous. But the other is the son of a less active family who is 9, and the three (mom, daughter and son) arrived, so we were pretty happy yesteday.
We had divisions with the zone leaders, and that was fun. we had some good experiences, like teaching a father-in-training (he just seemed to talk about everything in general, we didn't get to share much doctrine). With my zl, we also found another kitten, cold in the rain. we took it back to hte house to bathe it and give it food. This is my second kitten, since sunday elder pac and I had found one and had kept it as well, for 4 days! It was fun and )I will include photos as well (i don't remember if i mentioned the kitten last week.)

Concerning time, I have 3 minutes left, so I will finish organizing music again (my folder get very diaorganized) but until next week...
Elder Niendorf

July 11th: Pday Again...

Hola Familia,
Well, this week was interesting in a few things. As you might see the rain came, at first pretty hard and in a next photo you see the river that formed outside of our house. At one point the rain suddenly began leaking a lot onto my bed and we had to put pots and containers and rush to move off the extra stuffs I had on my bed. This week we also crossed a small river. A member had a reference for us, so we decided to take off our sockes and shoes to take the shortcut to get there with her from her house...
Saturday we had again service where we helped the family on the hill move more dirt, and I had a good time because I was actually able to do some of the digging. At one point I threw a javelin-like tool at the wall and some of the dirt caved in, it was pretty cool.
Our investigator who WAS going to get baptized this coming Saturday didn't come to church, so we are going to have to move it back a week. She still feels a bit unsure, but I think everything will work out alright. Concerning English Classes, only one student showed up again, so this coming week may be the last week....
With a family that we are teaching, the baby was super happy when we were teaching, and started biting everything, his dad, the couch, a book, my comp. and it was pretty funny. Sunday we adopted a stray kitten, as seen in the photo. We plan on cleaning her up a bit and trying to find a home. Se llama Liana.
Love you tons,
Elder Niendorf

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

No Habia Cambios

Hola Familia!
I am still here in Torrijos Carter, in the Zone of San Isirdro with Elder Pac, which I think was just perfect. Here, there really aren't towns. The general name for all this area would beSan Miguelito, the same as where I was over a year ago. To get to Allbrook, the terminal or central hub for all the buses in the country, it takes about an hour, but this area basically melts into to city. I really like this area.
We had a baptism! Sonia Robinson in the photo. I baptized her, and yesterday my companion confirmed her. The member that was going to do it left this weekend because a family member died, so we missionaries were the only others that she knows well...Oh, the Mission President had to come to do the baptismal interview, and took a picture for the blog. But it was a new experience, because we found out during the baptism that she has fear of water. She started panicking, which made me nervous, but after we started singing hymns, she relaxed enough to do the baptism; we had to do it kneeling, but after everything she said it was an 'experiencia bonita' and she shared her testimony yesterday!

Anyways, love you all tons.
Elder Niendorf